verouderde sjabloon maak gebruik van de actuele sjabloon [Edit]
Bekijk deze pagina in het Engels - vanaf daar zijn ook andere talen te vinden.
- Go to the "Current Groups" Page by selecting "Users & Groups/Groups".
- The first column gives the name of the existing groups.
- The second column gives the status of the group. A green Icon
indicates that the group is active and a red icon
indicates that the group is inactive.
- In the third column there is the "Permissions" icon
. Clicking this icon brings you to the Group Permissions page.
- In the fourth column there is the "Assign Users" icon
. Clicking this icon brings you to the Group Assignment page. (the title of this page though is called "Group Permissions" but that must be a bug i assume)
- In the fifth column there is the "Edit" icon
. Clicking this icon brings you to the "Edit Groups" page.
- In the six column there is the "Delete" icon
. Clicking this icon will ask you a confirmation to delete the group.
- At the bottom there is the "Add New Group" icon
. Clicking this icon brings you to the "Add New Group" page.
Add New Group
- You are now back at a list of "Current Groups" where you also will see the newly created group. The group though is empty at this point, no users and no permissions.
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