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CMSMailer est très simple à mettre en œuvre

Ce module est utilisé par de nombreux autres modules pour faciliter l'envoi d'emails

In the Content block on your page, simply type:

{contact_form email=""}

Change "" to the email name which you want to receive emails from your website.

To fill in the form for SMTP email [via your server]

Look at the settings below and follow this example, typing in all your OWN settings:


Test your settings

The very last field on the image above allows you to type an email name to test out your new settings. Go ahead and do this.

Check your emails to see if the email test has arrived.

Test the mail form on your website

Now go and fill in the form on your website, like you are a website visitor, and test the form.

All should be working perfectly. Good luck with your website!

Advanced Tip: Setting the Return-Path email header when using sendmail

Note: Some email servers require a valid Return-Path: header in your email. If you want to manually set that to something valid and you are using the "sendmail" "Mailer method" you can put this in the "Sendmail location:" in order to manually set the email Return-Path: header to ""

/usr/sbin/sendmail -f

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User Handbook/Admin Panel/Extensions/CMSMailer/fr


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