
在这里,我们介绍样式表与CMS Made Simple的默认模板如何一起使用。 要了解如何改变样式表的某些属性,请继续阅读。
就像在我是网站设计师中写到的那样,你的网站的所有格式和样式都在样式表中,它是用标记语言CSS写的。因此,首先学习CSS的基础知识以知道你正在做什么。 不过,我们会给你一些基本的知识,例如:如何修改颜色,logo等。
Stylesheets are attached to the template (look Attach Stylesheet icon in Layout > Templates) where the styles in the stylesheets are to be used. You could attach only one stylesheet to a template if you like. But the method we have chosen for the default templates is to divide the CSS into several stylesheets, grouped by similar characteristics. This makes it easy to find and change a certain type of styles.

Stylesheets used with the CMS Made Simple templates

To each of the default CMSMS templates there are five stylesheets attached that are the same for all templates. Additionally, there is one stylesheet specific to each template and one or two stylesheets depending on what menu that a template is using.
These are the stylesheets that are used for the default CMSMS templates:
Stylesheets that are attached to all default templates
  • Layout -- Here you set general layout settings, that are the same for all the default CMSMS templates. But for each project you work on this stylesheet needs to be customized.
  • Typography -- This is where you do all the styling for fonts, links, headings, images, lists etc.
  • Colours-- All the colors are gathered in this stylesheet. The only properties here are color, background and border-color. Don't add any other properties here or it may affect the layout of your entire site! However, for now the colors of menus are in the menu stylesheets.
  • Forms -- To more easily make forms to look the same across different browsers, the styling for forms is in its own stylesheet. You will not need to touch this very often.
  • Tools -- This is a stylesheet that needs to be attached to all templates for cross-browser behaviour. But you don't really need to touch it at all.
Navigation stylesheets
  • Nav-Horizontal / Nav-Vertical -- Depending on the layout of your template you need to attach one or both of these stylesheets. You only need to change a few things in these stylesheets, to style the menu to look the way you want.
  • Default CSSMenu Horizontal / Default CSSMenu Vertical -- If you rather use a drop-down CSS Menu, then either of these two stylesheets is used.
Template-specific stylesheets
  • Layout-XXX -- There is one stylesheet that is specific for each template. This is where you do the layout (and perhaps styling) that only applies to that particular template. For example, by changing only this stylesheet you can have the menu to appear to the top or the side, left or right.

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