Site Admin

Site Admin allows control over various site wide options that don't really belong in any of the other content related administration panels.

Global Settings

Allows modification of items such as the site's name; the '404 Page not found' and 'Site down for maintenance' messages. This panel also provides the important 'Clear cache' option needed after some configuration tasks are completed.

Page Defaults

Provides default options which will be applied to all new pages created such as whether they are active or inactive, can be cached, their default parent page, metadata, content and additional editors.

System Information

Gives a lot of information about the CMS Made Simple installation like "Installed Modules", "Config Information", "PHP Information" and "Server Information".

System Verification

Provides two functions (below text copied from CMS Made Simple installation):
Perform Validation
This function will compare the checksums found in the uploaded file with the files on the current installation. It can assist in finding problems with uploads, or exactly what files were modified if your system has been hacked. A checksum file is generated for each release of CMS Made simple from version 1.4 on
Download Checksum File
This function will allow you to generate a checksum file and save it on your local computer for later validation. This should be done just prior to rolling out the website, and/or after any upgrades, or major modifications.

Admin Log

Records details of the users performing maintenance tasks on the site.

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User Handbook/Admin Panel/Site Admin


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