

Something went wrong during the installation? This section gives you answers to some common problems!

Errors after installation - 1st thing to do

A lot of problems seems to have their roots in uploading problems to the server. So, when you use FTP, monitor the log (is everything uploaded ok?) If you can get the site started but you receive a lot of errors, use the "Site Admin/System Verification" procedure as described in System Verification. Maybe you see some unexplainable errors which you have to fix by e.g. re-uploading your files. There are a few good and free FTP programs like Filezilla Client.

Cannot Access Installation Page

This can happen if there is an issue with mod_security, to fix this you need to edit the .htaccess file and add the line SecFilterEngine Off, if this does not fix your issue it is suggested that you look at your httpd error log.

Cannot connect to database at step 4 of installation

Is it that the username with permissions set for the database is not what you are currently logged in as?

For example: 'root' has permissions set but you are logged in on your computer as 'allusers'.

Solution: using phpmyadmin, open the 'cms' database, click Privileges, click Action on the user 'root' - to edit privileges. Now create a new user called 'allusers', with the same privileges (This is an option at the bottom of the page - you can keep existing user). Click go.

Install went well, but I can't login to the admin

It seems the install went well. You can even browse the site. But you can't login to the admin console. You may face either:

  • a server side PHP session problem
  • a browser side cookie problem

Solution: enable server side PHP sessions and let the admin's browser accept cookies (at least transient cookies from your site).

  • maybe you used the wrong userid/password?

unrecognized tag 'title'

If you get an error like this:

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in template:14 line 8]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'title' 
(Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 580
  • Open config.php and double-check the value of $config['root_path']
  • Make sure that you have uploaded all the files in the "plugins" folder.

Can't change folder/file permissions

You may have 1 of 2 problems:

1. Your File Creation Mask (umask) may need to be changed from the default 022 to 002 or 000, found in Admin Console/Global Settings/File Creation Mask (umask). Change it and run test should say something like this...

  • Results Owner: apache this may be the difference part.
  • Results Owner: apache
  • Permissions:
    • Owner: Read,Write
    • Group: Read,Write
    • Other: Read,

Once it does then hit Submit button.

I'll be back when I figure out the 2nd. one

Fatal error: xyz not found in /some/path/to/a/file.php in line zyx

...or xyz undeclared, undefined, redefined... or file not found.

If there is nothing special with your setup, you may face a common file transfer integrity problem : some files may not have been correctly uploaded to their hosting place.

Solution: install via shell or use a reliable FTP program. It also may be due to a faulty expander program, make sure there is a file named "include.php" and "version.php". A user has used Stuffit Expander by Allume and has noticed that it did not export all of the necessary files.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function token...() in /some/path/to/a/file.php in line xyz

...or something wrong about "token" or "tokenizer".

If there is nothing special with your setup, PHP tokenizer support seems not enabled at your hosting place.

Solution: ask you hosting provider not to disable it.

tempnam function disabled (revised by Nitrouz 10-05-07)

If you get an error like this:

Warning: tempnam() has been disabled for security reasons in 
/home/usrname/public_html/cms/admin/addcontent.php on line 217

Solution: You need to edit a few files.

Open 'lib/misc.functions.php'


 * Misc functions
 * @package CMS

Add underneath it:

 *Tempnam fix
 *@author: Nitrouz, top7up,
 *@since 1.06
function newtempnam($dir, $prefix, $postfix=''){
  if ($dir[strlen($dir) - 1] == '/') {
    $trailing_slash = "";
  } else {
    $trailing_slash = "/";
  if (!is_dir(realpath($dir)) || filetype(realpath($dir)) != "dir") {
    return false;
  if (!is_writable($dir)){
    return false;
    $seed = substr(md5(microtime().posix_getpid()), 0, 8);
    $filename = $dir . $trailing_slash . $prefix . $seed . $postfix;
  } while (file_exists($filename));
    $fp = fopen($filename, "w");
    return $filename;

Now below we are going to be replacing all references to 'tempnam' with 'newtempnam' which is the new function we have created in 'misc.functions.php'. Dont worry you wont overwrite anything you shouldnt if you run a replace algorithm. All references of tempnam need to be changed anyway.

In the following files replace tempnam with newtempman:

  • admin/addcontent.php
  • admin/editcontent.php
  • admin/addtemplate.php
  • admin/edittemplate.php
  • lib/smarty/internals/core.write_file.php
  • modules/FCKeditorX/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/spellchecker.php
  • modules/ModuleManager/ModuleManager.module.php

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class user in installer step two

Most probably you have phplib installed and it conflicts with cmsms user class (this could change in future releases)

Dolution: Setup .htaccess file with this content and try installing again:

php_flag auto_prepend_file ""
php_flag include_path ".:/usr/local/share/pear:/php/includes:/usr/share/php:/usr/local/lib/php"

No cache errors

Clear cache from "Admin Console/Global Settings/Clear Cache".

Error Messages During Install

This section gives you answers to error messages in Install process. View the Troubleshooting page for other info.

Directory not writable
This directory is not writable from your web server so CMSMS cannot use it. Check permissions on this folder and parents. You can try to change permission to 777 (same to enable read/write/execute) and/or you must set writing permission to php owner for cgi/windows environment.
Can't create file
The process owner cannot create a file inside a directory. This probably means that you have permission problem for this directory or PHP Safe Mode is enabled in some way. Many functions inside CMS made simple will not operate properly without this ability.
Session module is disabled or missing
Session module is disabled or missing in your PHP installation so you have problem with CMSMS functionality. Check your installation and ask your provider for enable.
Tokenizer extension missing
Not having the tokenizer extension in your PHP installation could cause pages to render as purely white. We required you have this installed for use smarty template. Check your installation and ask your provider for enable.
Smarty.class.php cannot be found or not readable
File cms_root/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php is missing in your system or CMSMS cannot read its. Check if file is present in that path and its size (may not has been correctly uploaded). Check permissions on folders and file also.
Session not working
(start) You have session module but not working properly in your system. Perhaps this is due to some restriction of your PHP system, for example session functions are disabled or open basedir enabled. Check your installation and ask your provider for enable.
Checksum report errors
(Step 1) This operation compare the checksums found in the uploaded file with the files on the current installation. It can assist in finding problems with uploads (missing or partial files). A checksum file is generated for each release of CMS Made simple from version 1.4 on. Reupload all files reported.
Cannot connect to database
Is it that the username with permissions set for the database is not what you are currently logged in as? For example: 'root' has permissions set but you are logged in on your computer as 'allusers'.
solution: using phpmyadmin, open the 'cms' database, click privileges, click action on the user 'root' - to edit privileges. Now create a new user called 'allusers', with the same privileges (This is an option at the bottom of the page - you can keep existing user). Click go.
GD image library check fails
CMSMS requires the GD image library. If you have this library installed, but the installer does not detect it, check that the extension is present and uncommented in PHP.ini.
Function md5 disabled
File not writable
Function tempnam disabled
magic_quotes_runtime On
DB driver missing
Install on target system at least one php database driver which is supported by cmsmadesimple ( mysqli, mysql or pgsql).
Not enough memory
Increase limit via php.ini - memory_limit = 24M
php time limit too low
Increase via php.ini - max_execution_time = 60
register_globals disabled
Output buffering disabled
Enable via php.ini - output_buffering = 1
disable_functions not empty
safe_mode enabled
open_basedir enabled
Connection error
Function file_uploads disabled
Max post size too low
Increase via php.ini - post_max_size = 10M
Max upload file size too low
Increase via php.ini - upload_max_filesize = 10M
session_save_path empty
No check session_save_path with open_basedir
Function xml disabled
Function file_get_content disabled
magic_quotes_gpc On

Module Manager shows red error message suggesting permissions are wrong, or Safe mode is ON

... and you are certain they are okay!! The function in /lib/misc.functions.php line 1439 called can_admin_upload() is used to verify everything. Unfortunately it is a very broad brush check and before panicking make sure the config.php file is correct, in particular is the uploads directory set correctly. Although uploads has nothing to do with modules it is still checked.
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User Handbook/Installation/Troubleshooting


Arvixe - A CMSMS Partner